Ao longo da história conceberam-se inúmeros modelos, mapas ou representações do conhecimento humano. Dando seguimento às mais variadas interpretações e abrangências, foi publicada uma notícia, no passado dia 16 de Março, no "The New York Times", dando a conhecer um novo mapa do conhecimento:
A new map of knowledge has been assembled by scientists at the research library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. It is based on electronic data searches in which users moved from one journal to another, thus establishing associations between them. [...]In the map, published in the current issue of PLoS One, the journals are color-coded as follows: physics, light purple; chemistry, blue; biology, green; medicine, red; social sciences, yellow; humanities, white; mathematics, purple; and engineering, pink. The interconnecting lines reflect the probability that a reader will click from one journal to another on the computer screen.

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